Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Life Stages (II)

Updates for my earlier entry :)

I went to Kuching recently over Mother's Day weekend with my mum for Ai Ling's wedding :)

Had a great time of reunion with friends and their families, it was really a rare time of getting together. Better when it coincided with a wedding. YP brought hubby and baby Jie Yi, SH came alone leaving hubby at home with 2 daughters, and LY with hubby and her parents = 9 adults altogether!! We met many old uni friends from Kuching, so it was really really a memorable trip.

Very touched to witness AL's wedding as I recounted the times she shared with me about her friendship/relationship with now-hubby Ezra. Lovely couple they made!

Together AL and I, we did A LOT of thinking and thinking about this area XD that was how we supported one another throughout the last 3 years.

This song is quite timely now...

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