Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Life Stages

I have only one photo on my notice board in room, this is it :) because I rarely see these good friends of mine whom I met in uni years.

We hanged out together in five, traveled in LY's little kancil throughout the three varsity years.
We came from all parts of the country, our eldest came from South (Muar), me from North Borneo (KK), third from North (Ayer Tawar), fourth from Central (KL) and youngest from Sarawak (Sibu). Interesting huh?

Last weekend we gathered for LY's wedding in KL, and caught up with one another in SH's place in Klang.. we parted our way since graduation and met occasionally ever since. There was so much to talk about and share.

Seven years since then, we're all in different life stages.. SH has a family of two daughters, YP has one daughter, LY is married now, AL just engaged!! and myself in the earliest stage of all :D

Peer pressure you think, nope! Only peer support :)

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