Friday, 22 May 2009

"First Thing First"

Learnt this phrase years ago from the book "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey. Never had it so haunting in my mind before than lately.

The issue is setting priorities. Can't make good decisions lately due to incapability of prioritizing. I used to be SO clear in my priorities. Mid-life crisis this early?? Younger people are getting chronic diseases nowadays, mid-life crisis is no exception I suppose.

Urgency versus importance. Passion/interest versus practicality.
Weigh well, Erin, and PRIORITIZE!

5 feedbacks:

TRACE said...

cant agree more with u.
jia you!!
im having mid-life crisis though...

steph said...

OMG! I can still remember Uncle Stanley with THE book. His bubbly enthusiasm shown as he speaks ;-P

Js TAB n chill. Know it's easier said than done. But then again, I believe in ur capability ;-)

chongerin said...

OMG Steph, I totally forgotten it was "Uncle Stanley" that thought us 1st (I attended the 7Habits' seminar 4yrs ago? n got d book)..
We were 2/3 Chongs that always kena!!

Oh gosh, gotta learn to unlearn ey?

Musicaboyboy said...

hihi dear sister!! those who have problems in prioritizing refer to Proverbs 16:3 .... hope it can help u!! Have a nice day ahead...

God bless..!!

felix tan said...

Priority.....i remember during my JCI Presidency year in 2008, my theme for the year is P.U.R.P.O.S.E and the 1st P is Priority.

definitely priority will make a success in life.