Wednesday, 6 May 2009


Where are we heading to as a nation?
As if it is not stressful enough during this global recession.
Don't like this "1BlackMalaysia" news :(

4 feedbacks:

Anonymous said...

The future very bleak. no where to go. Government are not that strong and stable. 1Malaysia is only for few people. BN Politician what else.


felix said...

Malaysia Rocks....Cool. Where can i get this shirt?

CK said...

any black tshirt is cool

chongerin said...

Tick: U'r right but let's not stop hoping (and fighting) for a better Msia :)

Felix: U'r finding a black tee that suits huh? (what do u do with the recent white tee that doesn't) :p

CK: U got it!!